Debby's Diet Chef Story

It enables me to be strictly aware of portion sizes, that really is useful to me.

4st 3lbs

A long-awaited holiday in Florida last year was tainted with embarrassment when I saw photos of myself. I looked old, frumpy, fat! And on top of that, I struggled to keep up with people, as I was breathless and tired all the time. Even in the larger-than-life world of Floridian theme parks, I felt too big.

It took a while for me to make the decision, but 4 months after returning from Florida, I decided enough was enough and I started on the Diet Chef plan. At 15st 5lbs and a BMI of 38, and struggling to get into a size 16, I couldn't argue with the facts or the photos.

I've lost 4st 2lbs with Diet Chef and my BMI is now in the healthy range. Not having to carry around all that excess weight has given me a new lease of life and energy. I'm cycling, I can now walk without puffing and I'm a size a 8. Friends and family see such a difference, it's so nice to receive compliments.

The best thing about Diet Chef is the portion control, it stops you eating that little bit more at every mealtime. It gives you just enough to eat, and it means there is no extra sandwich or no extra spoonful – that really is useful to me. The meals are tasty and I've certainly got a number of favourites.

I'm still going – the Diet Chef routine suits me. It will help me maintain my weight as it enables me to be strictly aware of portion sizes, which was certainly a factor in my weight gain.

Losing the weight with Diet Chef has meant I'm much more able to enjoy things now and I don't even mind getting my photograph taken which is a huge change.

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